Aerial Photography & Imagery

Aerial Imagery Interpretation

  • David Ruiz, Imagery Analyst
    Dave Ruiz Consulting
    448 Ignacio Boulevard, #249
    Novato, CA 94949
    415-577-8037 Fax:

  • Robert W. Shuey, PG, Managing Director
    National Aerial Resources
    385 Jordan Road
    Troy, NY 12180
    800-827-2994 Fax: 518-283-0705

  • Arthur H. Trinkle, Certified Photogrammetrist & Mapping Scientist
    Brewster Pacific Corporation
    P.O. Box 60134
    Pasadena, CA 91116-6134
    626-449 8162 Fax: 626-449 6273

  • Charles B. Warren, ASA, Proprietor
    Charles B. Warren, Valuation & Consultation
    2033 Powell Street
    San Francisco, CA94133
    415-433-0959 Fax: 415-982-1441

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